Thankfully Portugal is ranked one of the most safest countries to live and proof is the low crime rate in Portugal. However it is impossible to disappear completely with house assaults.

Statistics show that when an alarm is installed, the risk of a break-in is reduced by 92% which alone, is a more then good reason to install an alarm.

Reality is, a house insurance will pay the damage of a break-in, but surely avoiding a break-in and all the reports needed to be filed to the insurance, is a peace of mind which only an alarm can prevent.

Modern alarm systems do much more then simply detecting a break-in and taking pictures, they also allow you to call Police, fire-fighters, or an ambulance. This enables you to simply press the distress button on your mobile phone app, or control panel to immediately request assistance.

Even the warning when the house electricity is cut off to ensure that everything is fine and if not, emergency crews are sent to verify.

The main difference with this alarm system from all the others on the market, is that no fee is charged for activation or equipments which enables the alarm to have the most competitive rate on the market.

On a final note don’t forget that according to Portuguese protection laws, any alarm system installed has to be certified and authorized by the government. The bellow alarm systems offered are allowed to be installed in Portugal without any pending approval. This means that if you simply buy a security camera connected to live server, any images caught won´t be considered as evidence in a criminal case. Be wise and take the right decision.

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